CrossFit Classes at Ironstone
The core fitness program at Ironstone is CrossFit. CrossFit is a General Physical Preparedness (GPP) program designed to improve your overall fitness and function so that you look, feel, and perform your best in everyday life. True, balanced fitness will mean sometimes doing the things you don’t currently enjoy.
Why CrossFit?
If you want to improve your overall fitness, improve your body composition, restore function, and feel better CrossFit may be the right choice for you. Athletes vary widely in age from 14 to 65+ and come from a variety of athletic backgrounds. The majority of our new members have limited to no experience with fitness or come from a single exercise background (e.g. running, rowing, or a traditional gym routine) but still need to learn the basics. Many others have been previously involved in fitness and sport but are trying to regain their fitness after some time off or an injury. If you want to lose weight, gain weight, get stronger, move better, or even improve your sport performance dramatically CrossFit can work for you. We strongly believe that CrossFit is the best path to overall fitness that will last for a lifetime.
The other huge advantage to CrossFit is that it uses a community approach to fitness. Group classes help you get together with a diverse group of people who share common goals; from it you will develop friendships that will last a lifetime. The shared experience of challenging but rewarding workouts and the gentle pull of your new friends will help you stay committed to your fitness pursuits. When you need that final push, the group will be there to help.
What will a class be like?
In CrossFit every class will be different to a certain degree. We use constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity as the foundation of our program. This means that every day may follow a different format. Expect workouts to vary in length (time), difficulty, intensity, and modality (movements or exercises) from one day to the next. We use exercises and equipment from as many disciplines as we can manage; expect a combination of weightlifting, gymnastics, kettlebell, bodyweight or monostructural conditioning movements, and accessory strength work put together in limitless combinations. To get a feel for what a class may look like check out Today’s class programming at the bottom of this page.
Every CrossFit gym is different because we are not franchises. At Ironstone our classes are actively coached and closely monitored. Our program includes a lot of variability and we balance skill work, practice, Metabolic Conditioning, Strength, Durability and Engine work over the course of our training cycles. Expect each class to start with a briefing promptly at class start time and be followed by a group warm-up; the whole hour will be coached. We also cap our class sizes to ensure that everyone gets quality coaching and feedback and we hold safety as an extremely high priority. For this reason, you will need to sign up for class in advance through our online system.
This Class Targets:

Power & Speed
Power & Speed
The ability to exert muscular strength rapidly to accelerate an external object or the human body to maximum velocity.

Muscular Strength
Muscular Strength
The ability to generate the maximum amount of force in a specific movement pattern to move an object through a given distance.

Muscular Endurance
Muscular Endurance
The ability to sustain submaximal muscular contractions activity for extended periods of time.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
The ability to perform prolonged aerobic exercise at moderate to high intensities.

Flexibility & Mobility
Flexibility & Mobility
The ability of a joint to move freely through a range of motion and create stability in end-range positions.

Balance & Coordination
Balance & Coordination
The ability to maintain equilibrium in dynamic or static positions + the ability to combine multiple movements smoothly and efficiently.

It’s time to get in the best shape of your life
Fitness Track Programming
Athletes perform only Fitness or Sport Workouts for each part of the day (e.g. METCON), not both. Fitness level programming will focus on the exact same stimulus but will often be less demanding on technique, mobility requirements, or loading. Fitness level programming will be a fantastic workout on its own. Note: we do not program CrossFit workouts on Sundays or Thursdays at Ironstone
Sport Track Programming
Sport programming pushes the limits for those who want a bigger challenge or who have the drive to compete and includes more technical skills such as Squat Snatches, Muscle Ups, and Handstand Push-ups. Think of the Sport level track as “scaling up” the difficulty for those who want to push themselves harder.