CrossFit is a core fitness program focused on developing your general physical preparedness (GPP) so that you look, feel, and perform your best in everyday life. If you want to challenge yourself, you like to routinely learn & try new skills, and enjoy a varied approach to fitness where the movements and methods are ever changing this might be the program for you.
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We are #ForgedFromIron
More than just a hashtag, our motto denotes that change takes immense effort and the process we follow takes time. Test your mettle, get stronger, and sharpen your edge the Ironstone way.
Together we accomplish more
Group classes help you get together with a diverse group of people who share common goals; from it you will develop friendships that will last a lifetime. The shared experience of challenging but rewarding workouts and the gentle pull of your new friends will help you stay committed to your fitness pursuits. When you need that final push, the group will be there to help.
The core of the CrossFit program is CrossFit class. Strength training, weightlifting, conditioning, gymnastics, kettlebell and many other disciplines are combined in a constantly varied high intensity protocol which focuses on promoting increased work capacity through functional movement. If you want to lose weight, gain weight, get stronger, move better, or even improve your sport performance dramatically CrossFit can work for you.
This supporting class is a guided practice designed to increase range of motion, improve positioning, become more stable, flexible, and increase tissue quality. Learning how to perform routine maintenance will limit injury risk and decrease nagging pain which you may have been living with for years. Expect a combination of active release and trigger point work, stretching, and rehabilitative exercises.
Weightlifting TECHNIQUE.
Another supporting class, this is an opportunity to refine the more technical aspects of the Olympic lifts in a slowed down, frame-by-frame learning environment. Improving your technique independent of CrossFit workouts will pay dividends to the quality of your movement and your pace of progress. Expert weightlifting instruction in the Snatch, Clean and Jerk will help you capitalize on weightlifting opportunities when they come up in class.