Weightlifting Classes at Ironstone
Olympic Weightlifting is the sport of Strength, Power, Speed and Precision. In competition, the lifts are comprised of the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk – both of which are efforts to lift the maximum amount of weight from ground to overhead in two distinct ways. In training, weightlifting and accessory exercises challenge the mind and body to grow strong and powerful through repetition after repetition of the basics.
Why Weightlifting?
Weightlifting is the sport of choice for the most dedicated and committed. If you decide to step on the platform to compete you will spend hours practicing and refining your technique only to create the smallest increases in performance on competition day. Weightlifting develops character – you will need to become mentally tough and in-tune with your body as you progress from novice to intermediate and beyond. As your body becomes stronger and more powerful so will your mind. Weightlifting will always be challenging and difficult pushing you to strive for a level of perfection that is always out of reach. Commitment, perseverance, resilience, dedication, confidence, and focus are just some of the attributes associated with a weightlifting practice.
The physical benefits of weightlifting are also numerous. Weightlifting is a weight class sport so athletes strive to balance maximum power and strength development with the maintenance of an ideal body composition. Olympic weightlifting as a fitness protocol produces athletic, strong and powerful bodies capable of incredible athletic feats. The precision required to lift efficiently and effectively produces body awareness, balance, accuracy and control that carries over to everyday life. Weightlifting exercises such as the power clean form the basis of many Strength & Conditioning programs for pro-athletes. Those same exercises are available to you, even if you prefer to weightlift only for fitness rather than competition.
What will a class be like?
Weightlifting classes are very different from our other group classes at Ironstone as the stimulus is extremely specific. Routine will become your best friend and the barbell your ally as you practice variations of the same exercises during every class. In a Weightlifting class you can expect to receive extremely specific technical feedback as you work to refine and improve your capacity and the quality of your movement 1 pound and one repetition at a time in the main lifts. Sessions will also include follow on accessory and strength development exercises to shore up individual weaknesses. Our Weightlifting classes are programmed and coached by our NCCP Weightlifting Certified Coaching Staff.
We offer 2 different weightlifting class types. Our technique class is designed to diagnose technical faults and apply corrective and technical exercises to improve weightlifting technique and efficiency. This class happens twice on Sundays and is appropriate for multi-sport athletes and CrossFitters looking to refine their technique. Loading will not exceed 65% of the athletes max; the goal is technical proficiency rather than strength and power development. Our coached lifting class is aimed at competitive lifters looking to refine technique at higher percentages of their maximum while progressing in load and volume. This class is less structured, as athletes will be encouraged to follow their own individual programming. It is focused on competitive Weightlifters who plan to step onto the platform at some point in the future.
Participation in both class types requires experience with Olympic Weightlifting or the completion of our Foundations Course
This Class Targets:

Power & Speed
Power & Speed
The ability to exert muscular strength rapidly to accelerate an external object or the human body to maximum velocity.

Muscular Strength
Muscular Strength
The ability to generate the maximum amount of force in a specific movement pattern to move an object through a given distance.

Muscular Endurance
Muscular Endurance
The ability to sustain submaximal muscular contractions activity for extended periods of time.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
The ability to perform prolonged aerobic exercise at moderate to high intensities.

Flexibility & Mobility
Flexibility & Mobility
The ability of a joint to move freely through a range of motion and create stability in end-range positions.

Balance & Coordination
Balance & Coordination
The ability to maintain equilibrium in dynamic or static positions + the ability to combine multiple movements smoothly and efficiently.