Resources in Training
Understanding Pain and Injury Part 1
Experiencing pain can be stressful if you are unsure of the cause or consequences. This post should help you better understand what symptoms indicate that it is time to go see a healthcare professional rather than soldiering on.
Test Weeks: why we program them & what to expect
Test week is your opportunity to measure your progress and our chance to evaluate the programming. Learn more about what test week means for you as member.
This Training Cycle: A primer on periodization and what to expect
At Ironstone one of the things we have attempted to do is explain to our members on a deeper level why they are doing the things they are and what the intent is of each piece.
Our Next Micro-Cycle
Test Week (1 Aug- 7 Aug) Most of the year we are training – not testing fitness. Training is an eye towards progression; delaying the desire to chase Personal Records and achievements until later so we can focus on building the pieces to get there in the right way. Over the last 16 weeks we... Read more »
Why you shouldn’t set fitness goals based on attendance
As Coaches we love seeing you, we really do. We want you to work hard and make progress and be happy with where you are and where you are going on your fitness journey. After a few weeks most athletes start to set goals for themselves intentionally or unintentionally. It’s no surprise that the intentional... Read more »
Why exercise is great for your Mental Health
(And why some kinds can be even better) By now the physical benefits of regular exercise are well established – we know it improves cardiac health, mobility, and longevity. Its also been heavily investigated as a treatment for clinical levels of depression and anxiety – which is fantastic as far as we are concerned. However, one of... Read more »
Endurance Program Off-Season
For those of you who have been following or who are thinking about following our Endurance Program next year, we have entered our off-season phase.What does this look like? Well it looks a whole lot like Strength building, developing conditioning using constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity across a broad set of time... Read more »
Time to Squat: What to expect for the next 6 weeks
You’ve always wanted a bigger squat – time to earn it. Starting this week you might have noticed a big shift from our last 16 week block of training. For the next 6 weeks we are hitting a squat cycle as a gym and with it comes a few other changes to our regular programming schedule.... Read more »
Why and How we Scale workouts at CFIS
The word scale is sometimes seen as a dirty word in CrossFit. People don’t like the idea of changing the prescribed framework of the workout because they think it somehow means they’ve accomplished less or haven’t pushed themselves hard enough. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.