Meet our athlete of the month Kat Elvidge! A 22 year old busy university student from Ottawa, Ontario who still finds time for her daily workout! Kat has a great athletic background including soccer, rugby, and hockey. Kat discovered Crossfit in 2013 and has not looked back. She loves the general physical preparedness Crossfit provides. She feels ready to tackle whatever is asked of her, be it an adventurous hike, running a 10k or participating in a local competition. Kat really enjoys the ability to participate in crossfit as a competitor as it pushes her to perform at her absolute best. Kat is not just physically tough but has mental toughness of a rockstar. We have watched Kat rip her hands working through pull ups, stops wipe her hands on her pants and keep going! What a fighter!! I asked Kat about this and she replied “it was annoying because I was slipping from the bar. I didn’t feel it at the time.” When Kat is not busy cramming for exams or in the gym she can be found enjoying the outdoors or perfecting he silly faces and snap chatting for all to see! Kat is a positive friendly active part of our Crossfit community and always willing to give advice or lend a helping hand! Thanks Kat for sharing some info with us! Thanks for being awesome!!
1. How did you learn about CF? How and when did you get started?
I was training with one of my hockey teammates (Rachel Cox) and she had a lot bigger arms than me so I asked her how she got so strong and she said Crossfit. I tried it in February 2013 and just haven’t stopped.
2. What were your initial thoughts during your first wood
My first WOD was Karen with an uneven 15lbs ball… I thought my little legs were going to collapse and I wasn’t even close to the 10ft target.
3. What was your athletic background prior to CF?
I played varsity hockey for Dal for two seasons and played provincial rugby in Ontario in high school.
4. If you had to choose what would be your fav CF movement? Least fav?
Favourite would be double unders or running if that counts. Least favourite is definitely HSPUs.
5. Proudest CF moment?
Probably coming third in the Blizzard Beatdown this year.
6. What advice would you give to someone who has not tried CF
Try it at least once with an open mind.
7. Favourite Pre and post wod snacks
Pre wod I usually have a cliff bar or a banana. Post wod is a protein shake (or a cliff bar or a banana…)
8. What are your hobbies outside of CF?
I still play hockey recreationally, I’m in school and I try and spend as much time outside as possible.
9. What are your CF goals for 2015?
My major lift goal is to hit a 150 snatch. I also want to improve on my gymnastics, but in general I want to make sure my training stays fun and consistent so I can keep getting better in all areas.