We are so happy to introduce our athlete of the month Sean Brennan. Sean is a regular in our 6AM class and is always on time and ready to put in work. Sean is always conscious of maintaining great form while keeping intensity high and staying safe. Sean is also great at encouraging and pushing others. He is busy and travels often, but we are always excited to hear of how he has managed to get in a workout and stay moving.
1. Age and Occupation
39. Plant Manager – Hydro & Wind, NS Power
2. How did you learn about CF? When did you get started?
I first heard about it about five years ago from an Ironman at work, he was looking for a new challenge. It sounded insane…I started in February 2015.
3. What made you decide it was time to focus on your health and fitness?
I had not been active for over six months and it was impacting how I felt both mentally and physically. My wife, Lauren, noticed it as well and felt it was important I got back into a routine.
4. Athletic background and lifestyle prior to CF?
Peaks and valleys of athletic training. I ran cross country in university, but that was 20 years ago. Wow, that was 20 years ago. I have done a few 10km races through the years, three half marathons, and one full marathon, but nothing since 2012. I’ve never done any formal weight lifting.
5. What are the biggest changes you have noticed since you started at CFIS?
My mobility. My strength. My attitude. My belt size.
6. What is the easiest and most difficult of incorporating fitness into your lifestyle?
Easiest part is time of day for me. 6am. Kids and Lauren are still asleep and I make it back in time to make breakfast. Most difficult is work. I used to use that same hour (6am) to get ahead of everyone at work and now I start behind every day. I also find it harder to work at night now because I’m tired by 9pm.
7. Do you have a favorite/least favorite WOD/movement?
I love being on the bar.
I hate burpees. Hate.
8. Proudest Moment?
Consistency. I can’t remember the last time in my life where I can say I’ve stayed active for 10 months straight.
9. What advice would you give to those intimidated or on the fence about trying CF?
Anyone can do it, I am proof of that. I couldn’t do a pullup, a squat, a deadlift, etc. You will progress at your own pace. Your coach will always ensure you modify the workout to your level. Your own personal wins on progress will give you an incredible buzz. It’s not easy, but that’s what makes it so rewarding. I look forward to 6am because of the people. Jocelyn, Andrew, Elise & Andre, Mimi and T, David, Caroline and Josh, Brian, and Coach. We’d love to have you join the group.
Editors Note: Sean Really isn’t kidding. I love using Sean as an example of how much progress is possible if you are dedicated to working hard, improving how you move, and most importantly proactively addressing any known areas of dysfunction. He has worked extremely hard on his mobility and works even harder in class. I looked back through my notes from Foundations (one of our first sessions when we opened) last year, and Sean Back Squated 105 lbs for 5, with restricted mobility and depth in his squat. In December he squated 225 lbs for 5 reps – a 120# increase in 10 months – and has drastically better mobility and mechanics in his squat. Keep with it folks, progress is there for the taking. –Patrick