WOD the hell am I thinking? Part 4

February 23 2015 Seasonal

We pick up again where we left off with more insightful commentary by SJ reflecting on her experiences with CrossFit so far. If you need to catch up you can trek back to Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

It was another great week at Foundations. Monday we learned all about the deadlift, and pull-ups, and we finished the class with an AMRAP that included pull-ups, burpees, squats and suitcase carries. On Wednesday, we learned about the push press and the push jerk. Patrick really emphasized the importance of technique with all of these movements. The things we all need to keep in mind are building a solid foundation with healthy nutrition, scaling, proper training, and practicing our technique in order to make progress.

When I was trying to come up with a theme for this week’s post, the first thing that came to mind was the importance of a strong community as part of living a healthy and balanced life. So far, my overall experience at the gym has been so positive and everyone is so supportive of each other’s progress. This support and encouragement keeps me engaged in the learning process, and it’s what keeps me coming back.

Since my regular yoga practice began roughly four years ago, my focus has been on only spending time with genuine people that lift my spirit, and that fully support me. I’m meeting so many wonderful, kind, like-minded people here. I’m always greeted with high-fives, and smiles, and not to mention, having fun!

During Foundations, I notice myself feeling a little timid, whether it be when trying a new movement, or adding more weight to the bar, but with the uplifting atmosphere and support from Patrick and my classmates, my confidence level to “just go for it” continues to rise with every class. This positive energy has definitely filtered through to my every day and I credit the strength of the community at Ironstone for this rise in positivity and for my enthusiasm to reach even higher.