COVID-19 Operational Changes & Restrictions are currently in effect at Ironstone. Click below to download the full Operational Changes .PDF
COVID 19 Operational Changes version 1.0
COVID-19 Related Restrictions & Changes
We have had to make several temporary changes to operations at Ironstone in response to Public Health Authority orders and the financial impact of an extended closure. Most notably:
- Class caps are restricted and require prior registration for all services (see .pdf);
- You may only arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled class & must depart at the end of class;
- Open Gym is a scheduled session requiring registration;
- We have had to space classes out by at least 30-45 minutes in order to meet public health requirements;
- We are offering a restricted suite of classes;
- We will be operating with a locked-door-during-class policy;
- You must be screened before entering the facility;
Check out our restricted class offerings and schedule here
Note: Classes currently being offered.
We are offering a number of specific classes during this period. To find the balance between memberships, member interests, relative proportions of people who engage in each activity, and predictability of scheduling we have arrived at the following offerings and the class schedule above for this temporary period.
In Person / Live:
- Balance (45 mins) – Interval based strength & conditioning workouts designed for all fitness levels using less technical movements. Balance workouts are now available on BTWB under the Balance programming track. Please note you must have a balance membership (or all-in membership) to attend this class. This class can also be accessed on all punch cards;
- Ironstone Strength (75 mins) – A strength-based program using compound movements. This will follow the new Ironstone Strength programming track on BTWB. You must have completed foundations / a test-out / be experienced with the barbell lifts to attend this class. Those on CrossFit Ironstone or Ironstone Strength All-in memberships can access this class along with the CrossFit+ punch card.
- CrossFit (60 mins) – a mixed modal strength & conditioning workout which follows our CrossFit programming track on BTWB. This class (and our attached memberships) will be renamed in the near future as we break away from CrossFit affiliation. CrossFit members and all-in members can access this class along with the CrossFit+ punch card.
- Weightlifting (90 mins) – Weightlifting specific training sessions focused on competitive weightlifting. This session is intended for members of the weightlifting team and you must be a member of the Barbell club to attend this session.
- Open Gym (90 mins) – Open enrollment to do whatever workout you like in your assigned space. Spaces and equipment assigned on a first come / first serve basis. This workout will be supervised but is not coached. You must have a CrossFit Ironstone membership, All-in membership, or CrossFit+ punch card to attend this session.
The following classes will be shifted to a virtual-only environment:
- Community (60 mins) – a fun & challenging mix of bodyweight and equipment work. A great at-home sweat
- Mobility (60 mins) – Active release, tissue work, and freeing restrictions. Improve your quality of movement!
We have also added an at home / from hotel track to our programming permanently:
#roaddoglife – A fitness track designed around working out from home or on the road with those items normally available in a hotel gym. Inspired by the adventures of longtime member Andrew Duke, #roaddoglife takes our normal CrossFit programming and modifies it for small spaces and low equipment demands. Follow this programming track on BTWB to follow along!
Final Thoughts
We all hope that these substantial changes to our class offerings, available spaces, and schedule are temporary. Please bear with us and understand that many of these considerations are outside our control. We have had to make a number of operational decisions that we feel balance the needs of our membership (and their interests) and the requirements of the Public Health Authority. We hope to see you in the gym soon!